RockStart Performance with Full Length Taq Mutants

RockStart Buffer provides a Hot Start with Full Length Taq Mutant Enzymes

Duplicate 340 bp targets were amplified from 10 ng human DNA with the full length Taq mutants; OmniTaq, OmniTaq 2, OmniTaq 3 and CesiumTaq, in Rockstart buffer or standard PCR buffer. A hot start competitor with aptamer technology was used as a positive control.  PCR reactions were incubated either at 25 degree or 4 degree for 1 hour before PCR cycling.  Results: All full length enzymes show hot start performance with Rockstart buffer with predictably better results when kept at a cooler temperature.  Weaker bands with CesiumTaq may be due to lower enzyme concentration.  Enzyme titration is always recommended for best results.

RockStart Performance with Truncated Klentaq Mutant Enzymes

RockStart Buffer provides a Hot Start with Truncated Klentaq Mutant Enzymes

Duplicate 340 bp targets were amplified from 10 ng human DNA using Rockstart buffer or standard buffer.  In this gel, the truncated mutant enzymes Klentaq1, Omni Klentaq, Omni Klentaq 2 and Cesium Klentaq AC were tested.   A hot start competitor with aptamer technology was used as a positive control.  PCR reactions were incubated either at 25 degree or 4 degree for 1 hour before PCR cycling.  Results: Klentaq1 and Klentaq mutant enzymes show hot start performance with Rockstart buffer with predictably better results when kept at a cooler temperature.  Weaker bands with Cesium Klentaq AC may be due to lower enzyme concentration.  Enzyme titration is always recommended for best results.