All of our polymerases are available in LA (Long Accurate), non-LA versions, or, for convenience, as part of a 5x PCR kit.

Klentaq1 and Klentaq LA

Our 5'-exonuclease deficient Taq polymerase provides improved fidelity and thermostability, especially as part of an LA (Long Accurate) enzyme mix.

Klentaq1  Long & Accurate Products

Inhibition Resistant Mutants of Taq and Klentaq

Our Omni enzymes are triple mutants of Taq or Klentaq1 polymerases, resistant to blood, serum, soil, fluorescent dyes, and other inhibitors of PCR.  We highly recommend pairing these enzymes with one of our PCR Enhancer Cocktails.

Inhibition Resistant Products

Reverse Transcription and PCR in One Enzyme

Our OmniTaq2 enzyme is 2-3x faster and capable of strand displacement and reverse transcription.

Reverse Transcription and PCR in One  

Hot-Start Enzymes and Buffers

Our Cesium enzymes are double cold-sensitive mutants of Taq or Klentaq1 DNA Polymerases.  They provide an automatic hot start for PCR due to suppressed activity at low temperatures.  RockStart is a buffer system providing a hot-start for PCR with any DNA polymerase. 

Hot Start Products

PCR Enhancer Cocktails (PEC)

Our PEC products are non-betaine based PCR enhancers specifically designed for use with inhibitory templates.  They are highly recommended for use with our Inhibition-Resistant Taq and Klentaq Mutants.  They are also compatible with most commercially available DNA polymerases.

PCR Enhancers

Still not sure which enzyme is right for you?  Consider an Enzyme Combo with samples of several enzymes.