PEC-1 is particularly recommended for purified DNA, blood treated with heparin, citrate, or EDTA, or plasma treated with heparin.  Please refer to our PEC Comparison Page, for more information and for help selecting the right PCR Enhancer Cocktail for your application.

Our family of PEC products are non-betaine based PCR enhancers specifically designed for use with inhibitory templates such as plasma, serum, whole blood, inhibitory food matrixes, plant tissue, polyphenolic samples, humic acid, bile, and feces.  In many cases amplification may be performed without DNA purification. They are highly recommended for use with our inhibition-resistant Taq and Klentaq mutants. When used with a PEC, our enzymes can tolerate at least 25% plasma, serum, or whole blood, and as high as 80% GC content templates. PECs are efficient in conventional or real-time PCR, both in SYBR Green and TaqMan assays. PECs are compatible with most commercially available DNA polymerases, but they are not recommended for use with AmpliTaq Gold.

Catalog Number
6.25 ml (for 500 rxns of 25 ul each)
PEC increases blood tolerance for OmniTaq and Hot Start OmniTaq

A 1kb human target gene was amplified with Hot Start OmniTaq and OmniTaq with different concentrations of human blood in the presence or absence of PCR Enhancer Cocktail 1 (PEC-1). 
PEC-1 significantly increased blood resistance of both versions of the enzyme.  

See more data on our Performance Data page.

Enzyme Properties
PEC Properties
Purified DNA
Heparin treated blood
Citrate treated blood
EDTA treated blood
Heparin treated plasma
Non GC-rich target